Alyx Dopp is a multimedia artist with years of practice in mediums that include screen printing, watercolor, oil, sketch, and Photoshop.

She was born in a mitten (in Grand Rapids, just below the pinky). Earlier than she can remember, Dopp partook in a Romanian tradition that involves laying out a variety of items on a table and and divining a child's future based on which ones they touch. She picked up a brush and a pen—and hasn't put them down since.

Drawing inspiration from folk tales, Alyx enjoys depicting both cute and creepy imagery, but always with a touch of whimsy and magic. Working predominantly in watercolor and colored pencil, she works to invoke the style of old storybooks.

Alyx currently based in rainy Seattle, Washington, USA. She’s often found in the company of at least one of her two sphinx cats, Idra and Snufkin. When not drawing, she enjoys writing and running D&D games, and once in a blue moon getting to play.

the real masterminds, Snufkin & Idra